Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Day 20: Parliamentary Players


The post office was first on the list of things to do today.  I made the security guard angry by not asking where the office was and having us wander all over the place.  Then Tim forgot to greet the postal worker behind the counter and this caused her to talk about him to her friends.  Civil servants are the same all over the world, I suppose.

Next we stopped by the first session of Parliament since they went on recess. The first item up for discussion after the minutes were approved was the "Bring Back Our Girls" Nigeria campaign.  There was much discussion about the concern for how the Boko Haram presented a security risk in West Africa.  Other concerns were about the negative perception of the region and how it could affect investors decisions.  There were calls to action and entreaties to act without the aid of Westerners.  Also, those who were of the Muslim faith vociferously stated that these actions are not those of true Muslims, and that Boko Haram was ruining the reputation of Muslims everywhere.      

Then it was another trip to the archives.  We got a brief tour of their records keeping situation and ate in the canteen again.  Nineteen cedi for two plates of jollof rice and fish/chicken along with two drinks.  That's just over six USD for two lunches.  Unbeatable!
Guinea Fowl and goats roam the city freely

Tim really thinks his postcards will get to their intended recipients

Post office boxes for different continents

The canteen at the National Archives serves good, inexpensive Ghanain food


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