Friday, July 25, 2014

Day 61:

Accra - Tim and I slept in again on this, our last day in Ghana as there was no one else in the guesthouse and so, no breakfast.  Our mission today was to get the video and photos we took edited by Minnie at the desktop publishing shop in the Christ the King compound.  We arrived shortly after nine and spent the next hour or so viewing the results of her work.  We were duly impressed as she took a random collection of video and photos and edited them, adding music and transitions, to make us look like pros.  She needed some time to perform some edits and to burn some copies of a video and a seperate slide show disk, so we took a walk to Dez Amis restaurant for brunch.  Tim had a meat pie, scrambled eggs, and french toast.  I had tea and a chocolate croissant.

When we got back in I checked on our flight and upgraded our seats to "economy comfort" so we could get four more inches of legroom, making it possible for us to actually recline.  Word to the wise: on Delta international flights the seats only recline by an inch or two and the seats are very narrow and hard as in unpadded.  That was 16 hours of sitting at an 80 degree angle on the way here.  The removal of the space between seats makes it impossible for you to sleep, making the 16 hour flight torture.  In their favor, they do provide a pretty sweet interactive toy where you can learn a language, watch a video, or play a game.  But that gets old after the first four or five hours and you long for sleep.    

I am finishing up cleaning the apartment while Tim is out getting "minerals" (sodas), water, and filling up the tank in the Isuzu. Managed not to cry when saying goodbye to first Charity, then Adeline.  I definately want to come back to see their faces again.  I hope God makes it possible for us.  Thank you Ghana and goodnight!

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