Friday, May 23, 2014

Day 2 and "Real" Ghanaian Food

Today we slept in and missed the homemade biscuits and gravy the cook made us.  :(  But we did walk back to the part of town called Osu where there are lots of vendors, hotels, consulates, and restaurants.  The one restaurant we were looking for was called Country Kitchen.  It came highly recommended.  We set out on foot and asked several people along the way where this place was (folks in Accra don't recognize street names), and each person told us it was just a little further.  On the way, Tim enjoyed some fresh coconut water.  After about 45 minutes of walking, we finally found it!  It was like an oasis.  An open air dining room with a thatched roof and colorfully decorated tables, we were seated even though it was only 10:30 in the morning. We enjoyed fresh juices (I had pineapple-ginger and Tim a mango-passion fruit), cold water, and well prepared, hearty Ghanaian food. Our meal cost 55.50 cedis.
Tim and his coconut

Red Beans (black eyed peas with palm nut oil), Palaver Sauce (spinach and fish), Fish, and plantain

Club sandwich with whole chicken breast, egg, thousand island dressing, lettuce, onion, tomato

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