Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Day 7: The Officials Weigh In

Today we ran the spectrum of consumers from the Tourism Authority to Lizzie's Eatery near the presidential palace, Flagstaff House.  We began by meeting with Barbara Baeta of Flair Catering.  She invited us to church and lunch in two weeks time.  Then we lunched at Dez Amis near Flagstaff House.  This restaurant caters to British, French, and American expats. Lizzie's Eatery was up next.  Located across the street from Dez Amis and frequented by locals, we saw young men doing some of the cooking for Lizzie outside in front of the restaurant.  Afterwards we walked to the Tourism Authority and learned some opinions about the responsibility of the government for promoting a national food of Ghana.  We finished up with visits to Parliament House, the Convention Center, and the Football Stadium where Tim scored free tickets for an upcoming soccer game!

Brandi with famous Barbara Baeta of Flair Catering. She has catered for numerous heads of state, including Obama

Monkeys outside of Dez Amis

English Tea

Ghana Tourism Authority

Parliment House

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